Monday, September 6, 2010

Location, Location, Location!

What's in a location? Well if you are in real estate or looking to buy a house it is apparently everything. Aside from a nice view what about a location truly makes one happy? Is it the activities and social outings around you that draw you in? Is it the publicity of a city like that of Las Vegas, Hollywood, New York, or Miami? Does it matter where you are as long as you can share your surroundings with friends and loved ones? What makes one truly happy about where they are and why do they leave certain areas?

In the past 3 years I have lived in 3 different states and I find myself wanting things from each area I called my abode. I was raised in a small town of Barstow, California and I think everyone at some point just misses their home town. The familiar faces and streets never seem to turn their back on you and your home town always welcomes you with open arms. In my case, like a bad relationship, I was too comfortable here and found the familiarness to be distracting to my life plan. It was the easy route to take. Get a job at the local factory, marry your high school sweetheart, and call it a good life. I, like most people, wanted more out of life and ,if nothing else, just to travel. So comfort didn't suit me so Seattle, WA here I came.

Seattle is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever had the pleasure of calling home. Coming from the desert to seeing thousands of trees and vast amounts of water was overwhelming. Upon my drive in I said out loud "I'm going to raise my family here!". Seattle's beauty, however, was only skin deep. After being there for a year I felt lonely and missing the familiarness I once hated. How can I be here for a year and be struggling socially in one of America's most vibrant cities? Seattle has a secret called the Seattle Freeze that was just as overwhelming as it's natural beauty. Even though my career was booming and nature was awe-inspiring it really meant nothing without any kind of companionship. Well to shorten the story a bit "life happened" and I decided to relocate to Dallas, Texas.

The West Coast to Dallas is a drastic change in itself. You get to deal with a whole new demographic of the nation and there is a slight learning curve. Going from guys in girls in swim suits (I think Katy Perry has a song about that) to gentlemen and ladies in cowboy hats is one thing and being treated with Southern hospitality on a daily basis is a nice change from most uppity west coasters. I have not been in Dallas that long and can't form a love or hate for the city yet, but so far it hasn't been that bad. So what would compel me to move here you may ask? Well as cliche as it sounds, it was love. Home is where the heart is right? I know that everyday regardless of the negatives or positives of Dallas that I will be able to come home to someone I can vent to about said negatives or positives.

Home is where the heart is, but the heart doesn't haven't to mean an actual person. Maybe you love the Red Sox and want to go to more games so you move to Boston. Maybe you love Buffalo and want the possibility of seeing one in the wild everyday so you move to Wyoming. In life or location follow your heart and dreams and do and be whatever it is you desire. We may all want to be on crystal blue waters and white sandy beaches, but wouldn't that beach be better with the one you love?

Society Through The Eyes of a Cookie.

Have you ever been with a friend eating at your favorite Chinese restaurant and you get to that ever so interesting fortune cookie? Your eyes light up as you await for the news that you will be "lucky" that day.

Fortune cookies are like the friend you go to that always agrees with you even when you are wrong. Why do we as people go searching for positive news constantly when the best news you could receive is the truth? A cookie after a meal will not solve your problems and I think that they would be more beneficial if they asked questions instead of giving you always "happy" insight. Have you smiled today? Have you done a good deed for a neighbor? Why are you eating a cookie when you could be reading a needy child a book? We all need that thing in life that makes us question where we stand in life. Something to make us more genuine loving people.

Our bodies, male and female, are genetically made up to feel sadness for no reason at all during certain periods of time. Why would biology suggest we be sad? Sadness makes us realize what really makes us happy. Now I am not saying that everyone should go around and be depressed to try and figure out their place in life. Depression is far from the same thing as sadness and a classic example of this is the death of a loved one. When people go through a tragic loss of life they feel compelled to live their lives more fully. Some take this new life fullness and jump out of a plane or some may just go back to school, but either way the sadness is in turn making them better people.

Go on and continue to eat Chinese food, but when you get to the cookie just let it crumble.

What is Keeping Sketch?

You may think this blog is about drawing and art by the title, but that isn't exactly the case. Keeping Sketch is Irish Slang and means "the act of being a lookout" and that's what I aim to do. Whether I'm looking out for the latest blockbuster movie, local happy hour, inspiring YouTube video, or even just a little life advice, I am going to be the best possible "lookout" I can be.
I plan on writing as often as possible and being your lookout often, but as of right now I am going to be posting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I invite all to check back often and share their opinions with myself and anyone else who may stumble upon Keeping Sketch.