Monday, September 6, 2010

Society Through The Eyes of a Cookie.

Have you ever been with a friend eating at your favorite Chinese restaurant and you get to that ever so interesting fortune cookie? Your eyes light up as you await for the news that you will be "lucky" that day.

Fortune cookies are like the friend you go to that always agrees with you even when you are wrong. Why do we as people go searching for positive news constantly when the best news you could receive is the truth? A cookie after a meal will not solve your problems and I think that they would be more beneficial if they asked questions instead of giving you always "happy" insight. Have you smiled today? Have you done a good deed for a neighbor? Why are you eating a cookie when you could be reading a needy child a book? We all need that thing in life that makes us question where we stand in life. Something to make us more genuine loving people.

Our bodies, male and female, are genetically made up to feel sadness for no reason at all during certain periods of time. Why would biology suggest we be sad? Sadness makes us realize what really makes us happy. Now I am not saying that everyone should go around and be depressed to try and figure out their place in life. Depression is far from the same thing as sadness and a classic example of this is the death of a loved one. When people go through a tragic loss of life they feel compelled to live their lives more fully. Some take this new life fullness and jump out of a plane or some may just go back to school, but either way the sadness is in turn making them better people.

Go on and continue to eat Chinese food, but when you get to the cookie just let it crumble.

1 comment:

  1. I like this little blog thing you got going on bro... it makes me feel like I have your wise insight with me here in Seattle. Ill definitely be returning for more...

    I really like this and the ending to this, Genius. lol

